Positive Space: Conversation in Art Foundations

Episode 11: Rae Goodwin

Episode Summary

Episode 11: FATE Educator Award Winner, Rae Goodwin discusses "Failing Forward" in her own work and how that influences her teaching and interactions with students in the classroom.

Episode Notes

Episode 11: FATE Educator Award Winner, Rae Goodwin discusses "Failing Forward" in her own work and how that influences her teaching and interactions with students in the classroom. Rae Goodwin has worked as an artist-educator for twenty-three years. She began teaching in primary and secondary education in 1994 after earning a BA from the University of Framingham. Goodwin began teaching on the college level at her alma mater, Winthrop University, where she taught as a TA and then a Lecturer. She moved from the Carolinas to the hills of Kentucky in 2007 to take a full-time position at the University of Pikeville. After two years in Pikeville, she left for the horse country of Lexington, where she still works, as the Director of Foundations and Associate Professor of Art Studio. Currently, Goodwin is also the Acting Associate of Undergraduate Studies for the School of Art and Visual Studies at the University of Kentucky. Her mission as an artist-educator has always been to empower individuals through creative expression.