Positive Space: Conversation in Art Foundations

Episode 27: David Janssen

Episode Summary

A very honest conversation with David Janssen Jr., MFA Candidate at The University of Idaho. We unpack the privilege of being an educator, millennial haters & the urgent need to avoid becoming lazy by staying passionate about all aspects of being an academic. As a current graduate student, David offers a uniquely fresh perspective about classroom dynamics, with a focus on self reflection and empathy.

Episode Notes

David Janssen, Jr. is an artist, designer and educator. He is a current third year MFA candidate at the University of Idaho who is graduating in May 2018. He is teaching both foundation level courses in drawing and design, as well as introduction level courses in graphic design and typography. David was a FATE Shout-Out Award Nominee in 2017 and presented on the panel “Should Paneling: Mounting Groovy Presentations” panel during FATE’s Biennial Conference in Kansas City, MO. David earned his BFA in Drawing and Painting from Saginaw Valley State University in Saginaw, Michigan. David has exhibited work nationally for the past several years and has continued to carve his path and sharpen his attention to collage, painting, sculpture and installation. Janssen has accepted his role in the generation of artists pushing forward concept and material collisions. Cultivating experiences from his life, much of David's work critiques and comments on masculinity and recently, his text based work explores the power of words and the residual effects they have on memory and relationships. www.davidjanssenjr.com